Ashlynne Pearl

Ashlynne Pearl
4th Alternate, Miss Magnolia State

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Happy Expecting Parents

The Tech said she was smiling!

Momma's Belly!

Well, its a girl! The ultrasound was really neat... she was rocking and moving! There was no holding still again today. She loves getting her picture taken, just like her momma! She has the sweetest face and was doing the sucking motion the entire ultrasound. It was way too sweet. I was sure she was a boy... and the Tech said, "I think its a........ (long pause) Um...... (another long pause) GIRL!" I asked if she was sure like 10 times! I cried.... Scott was smiling from ear to ear.
The doctor said she is going to be big! All of her organs, spine and size is great. IF all goes well with the delivery, we will be able to make a trip to Oregon at 6-8 weeks old. One day at a time though! He feels confident in his July 4th due date, although he thinks she will be early for some reason. We will see....
Couldnt be happier! I cant believe Im going to have a little girl and I have the privilege of being called mom. AND, the best part is she will be named after my grandma. I know she would be so excited! What an honor.
P.S. She will be the coolest baby on the block with her baby BMW! Thanks granddaddy Jean!

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