Ashlynne Pearl

Ashlynne Pearl
4th Alternate, Miss Magnolia State

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hospital Visit...and more!

Ashlynne's quilt from Grammy!
And Lola Keeping an eye on things!
Her Diaper bag from Uncle Stevey and Aunt Carla

Sleeper from Auntie Nikki, Uncle Sean and Cousin Taylor.
Thanks Nikki! I love it!

Blankey close-up

On Tuesday night at 12mid-night, I woke up with excruciating pain. I called Scott and he tried to coach me through a few things to try for the pain but it got to the point where I just needed to go to the ER. By the time I got to the ER, which was only about 10 minutes since its right across the neighborhood, I looked like I was going into labor. I was scared to death. Kidney stones never crossed my mind, although they should have since I had them 9 years ago.... anyway, they gave me a shot of Demerol and it eased the pain. They also did several blood tests and an exam. Thank God the baby was fine and it was in fact kidney stones. I got checked into a room at 6:30am and they did an ultra sound at 8am. There were 4 stones but only one that had descended near my batter.... anyway, over the next three days, they had me on massive fluids and pain meds but the darn things never passed. So, Scott and I spent three days "bonding"!
They decided Friday morning to send me home for the weekend, in hopes that some movement and continuing fluids would get it moving. Its Sunday and I haven't passed anything but a bunch of clear urine! If it hasn't passed by tomorrow, they will go in and remove it. Keep your fingers crossed!

On a lighter note, my mom finished Ashlynne's quilt for her crib. IT IS GORGEOUS! Thanks momma. Its beautiful! I cant wait to show the girls at work.... Lola thinks its her blankey! Here we go!!!!!!!!! I didn't even get her to pose for the picture. She is very interested in what is happening in the extra bedroom so she followed me in there to be nosey.... The colors are more vivid than the picture shows! I am so excited to get her nursery put together, which we are going to do this month!

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